DEERHUNTER ZIMSKE HLAČE Z NARAMNICAMI Rusky Silent Bib Trousers (ZADNJA ŠTEVILKA!!! 60) akcija do razprodaje zalog!
142.49€ 284.99€Brez DDV: 142.49€

- Zimske hlače z naramnicami RUSKY SILENT, so skoraj popolnoma tihe, torej ne šumijo. S temi hlačami se lahko veliko lažje približate divjadi. Zadrga ob straneh omogoča enostaven dostop do notranjosti hlač.
- Kombinezon z oprsnikom in nastavljivimi naramnicami
- Dvosmerna zadrga
- Pas z elastiko zadaj in elastično pletenino ob straneh za večje udobje
- Kontrastni detajli iz umetnega semiša
- Dva sprednja žepa
- Dolga dvosmerna zadrga ob strani za enostaven dostop do spodnjih hlač
- Vnaprej oblikovana kolena
- Zaščita pred mrazom in mrčesom na nogah
- Stranske zadrge omogočajo enostaven dostop do spodnjih hlač

Water Repellent
Products impregnated with water repellent treatment are water- and dirt-resistant. Stains are easy to remove. Extremely heat-resistant and has a very smooth surface.

No matter what weather situation you find yourself in, choosing Deerhunter’s clothing with one of its four membranes, will provide you with a breathable product. This allows you to maintain your comfort while being active and subsequently enjoy your experience more.

Taped seams
When the clothing is stitched, tiny holes are created in the fabric by the seams. To avoid moisture seeping through these holes, it is possible to tape the seams. This protects exposed areas and increases the product's waterproofness.

100% waterproof
Wet and sodden hunting apparel can quickly ruin a good hunting expedition. Deerhunter therefore always recommends waterproof products for hunting in rainy weather. A special combination of materials and processes enable us to develop products which are 100% waterproof.

A three-layer padding made from fibres that have been melted together under a low heat. This unique structure produces an extraordinary softness. Deer-Tex® Temp collects body heat, while the surface material ensures that the heat is encapsulated in the layers and insulates the body.